Maize Central 2024 Donation Campaign

Fundraiser ends in:

Please use the field below to search for your participant by name.

Campaign Goal:


Top 10 Students

  1. Kaiden E. (1st-Schroeder) - $1,560
  2. Tenley N. (2nd-Reed) - $1,475
  3. Kaylee S. (1st-Kasitz (Spellman)) - $1,318
  4. Finnigan C. (3rd-Wiggins (Johansen)) - $1,045
  5. Brylee T. (1st-Schroeder) - $1,030
  6. Madison S. (3rd-Wiggins (Johansen)) - $1,026
  7. Lucca C. (4th-Dean) - $870
  8. Madison D. (1st-Schroeder) - $850
  9. Havah C. (2nd-Wilson) - $700
  10. Charlotte G. (1st-McCandless) - $680

Top Groups

  1. 1st-Schroeder - $4,940
  2. 3rd-Wiggins (Johansen) - $3,756
  3. 2nd-Reed - $2,445
  4. 2nd-Wilson - $2,209
  5. Kinder-Fischer - $2,026
  6. 1st-McCandless - $1,990
  7. 4th-Dean - $1,750
  8. 1st-Kasitz (Spellman) - $1,585
  9. 3rd-Mitchell - $1,522
  10. 2nd-Higgins - $1,506
  11. 2nd-Joe - $1,480
  12. 4th-Perryhill - $1,361
  13. 1st-Potter - $1,305
  14. Kinder-Steinbacher - $1,280
  15. 4th-Wagner - $1,230
  16. 2nd-Mark Luu - $978
  17. Kinder-Criswell - $950
  18. Kinder-Camp - $892
  19. 4th-Childrey (Poynter) - $805
  20. Kinder-Meese (Bueker) - $796
  21. 4th-Sharp - $620
  22. 1st-Bosch - $530
  23. 3rd-Poynter J. - $410
  24. 3rd-Livesay - $130
  25. 3rd-Brown - $125

Welcome to the Maize Central Elementary Donation Campaign Page!
Every penny of the funds raised will go towards our goals (See them below).
Without our donation drive, this would not be possible.  
There is no door-to-door selling or delivering of products! 

How our Donation Drive works:

    1. Share your page with family and friends to gather donations!
    2. Donors can pay online or give cash and check donations.
      ** Safety is our number one 
      concern. Door-to-door solicitation is prohibited. Instead, ask family, friends, and co-workers to support student efforts.**
    3. By April 4th, 2024, please send all cash/check donations to the school in the provided envelope. Make checks payable to: MCE PTO. Make sure student, teacher and donor names are written on the envelope. The sooner the donation is paid, the sooner the student receives their prizes!
    4. Students that earn at least $25 in donations will earn prizes. Prizes are accumulative so the more donations, the more Prizes!
    5. Every time a student earns a T-Rex Ticket they will reach in the T-Rex's mouth to win fun collectibles!
    6. Wear your Pledge Bandz earned every day to show your accomplishments, but don't lose them. You'll need them to receive the prizes and incentives you earned!

Prizes & Incentives:

$25 in Donations- Earns your 1st T-Rex Ticket PLUS, you are in a drawing to win a $100 Gift Card to All Star Sports

$50 in Donations- Earns a Goofy Eye Pen & a T-Rex Ticket!

$75 in Donations- Earns a Bright Blue Pledge Bandz that allows you to go to the Principal's Office and receive Candy from his Candy Jar every Wednesday and Friday during the campaign & a T-Rex Ticket!

$100 in Donations- Earns a Pink Pledge Bandz that earns you a Blow Pop every Tuesday and Thursday during the Donation Campaign & a T-Rex Ticket!

$200 in Donations- Earns a Maroon Pledge Bandz that allows you to play Extreme Paper/Rock/Scissors with Mr. Jennings and Volunteer Staff Members at our Family Night! If you win, you'll get to Silly String them but if you lose, they'll get to Silly String you! Plus, another T-Rex Ticket

$300 in Donations- Earns a Teal/White Pledge Bandz that allows you to TP the school office with our AMAZING Toilet Paper Launching Machine & a T-Rex Ticket!

$500 in Donations- Earns a Yellow Pledge Bandz that allows you to attend a catered Pizza lunch for you and a friend & a T-Rex Ticket!

$1,000 in Donations- Earns a $100 Gift Card to Dave & Busters & a T-Rex Ticket!


***Plus, the top 10 students*** 
will receive a V.I.P. catered Chick-fil-A Lunch with our Principal Mr. Jennings  
***Campaign Goal***
When we reach $17,500 of our campaign goal, a T-Rex will ride a scooter in the halls of the school!Can't wait to see that!
Plus, when we reach our campaign goal of $35,000, we will have
an Ice-Cream Social for the entire school!
Plus, we'll all attend our AMAZING Family Night coming this spring! 
Yes everyone, even you Grandma!

You won’t want to miss this MCE Family Fun Night. Here are just a few things we’ll be doing: giant inflatables like a 37’ Obstacle Course, Jacob’s Ladder and 16’ Slide! The best part is, everything is FREE! Come Hungry because Food Trucks will be available to purchase Dinner!

Each classroom has a donation meter and when the students work as a TEAM and achieve different donation levels, they earn FUN activities just for their Classroom! 
We have some big donation goals set, but we know
TOGETHER we can accomplish ANYTHING! 
Maize Central Elementary is excited to have STEAM (which stands for Science Technology Engineering Arts and Mathematics) available to our students. This promotes a real hands-on approach to learning. Our goal is to gift several more robots to the STEAM lab along with other much-needed supplies. Robotics and engineering are a huge need now and for future generations, so the impact STEAM will have on our kids as they grow is immeasurable! We are also excited to raise funds for Family Events and our general Funds which helps all students at MCE!